There are a lot of characters in this book.Mouse and Jojo had to look after Pip. Pip was in a bad mood at that time.
He had been crying for a long time like this "Waaaaaa!!"
When Sam tried to take him to in the park, he waved his arms around and he hit the magic button! Then all of them arrived at Strange Street. They didn't want Pip to go there, but he yelled "Noooooo!" Eventually, they began to go there.
In there, Strange Street was having a carnival! It was very nice for them.
A clown gave Pip a red balloon. That made him happy. Anyway he could enjoy it.
After that the empty float stopped next to them. So they can ride on this. Pip was laughing and clapping his hands. However they had to get off the lift. When they landed, Pip's lovely red balloon had gone. So he began to cry again...
I think that Pip always cried because he was child. However he cried too much! So they were in trouble! They must have tired for looking after him. Maybe I cannot help putting up with him. I want to see a carnival someday.
[71 words]
2 件のコメント:
Hey! Im visiting! You seem to improve your blog right?(^0^) greeeeaaat! I must improve mine too! *hah* Today is our writing claasss! Let's have fun! *hah*